WP wp-media.js – Bulk Upload

WP wp-media.js – Bulk Upload

Please Note:

This post is a work in progress and is mainly documentation on things I have discovered / learned while working on a project. There are probably better ways of doing some of this.

Some uploader settings

  • dropzone :
    This is the container element where the user will be dropping files. This triggers the drop files here when files are dragged over the element.
  • container :
    To confirm
  • browser :
    To confirm
  • error :
    Error handler e.g. function(e){ }
  • success :
    This fires when a file has been uploaded (it fires for each file that has been added).
  • added :
    This fires as each file is added to the drop zone (it fires for each file added).
  • progress :
    This fires while the file is being uploaded, (it fires for each file that has been added).
  • complete :
    I’ve never seen this fire so far so I’m not sure what triggers it.
  • refresh :
    I think this fires if the instance is refreshed but I haven’t confirmed.
uploader: {
	dropzone:  $('.dragzone'), // The dropzone container 
	container: $('.dragzone'),
	browser:   'browse_button',
	error: function(e) {	// if there is an error during upload this should fire. 


	success: function(e) {	// once a file is uploaded this should fire. 

		noItemsUp++; 	// update the number of items uploaded. 
		prevProgress = Math.floor(progressBar);
		progressBar = Math.floor(percent * noItemsUp);
		$('#importFiles').prop('disabled', false);
	added: function(e) {	// this fires when a file is added. 
		noItems++; 	// add 1 to the number of items being uploaded
		percent		= 100 / noItems;	// work out the new percentage per item...
		prevProgress 	= progressBar;	// This is needed so the animated counter can work
		progressBar 	= percent * noItemsUp;		// This is the new progress the bar needs to move to. 
	progress: function(e) {	// this fires while the file is being uploaded. 
	complete: function(e) { // ?
	refresh: function(e) { // ? 
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