CSS Conic Gradients

CSS Conic Gradients

A recent project I’m working on had an image where a series of colours were laid out like sun rays behind some figures. I was curious if I could do these blocks of colour with CSS. I came across conic-gradients and I’ve been experimenting with it to see what I can do with it.

Repeating Conic Gradient (Sun rays)

.rays {
  background: -webkit-repeating-conic-gradient(from 270deg at 50% 120%, #FFA500 0deg 10deg, #ff6700 10deg 20deg);
  background: -moz-repeating-conic-gradient(from 270deg at 50% 120%, #FFA500 0deg 10deg, #ff6700 10deg 20deg);
  background: repeating-conic-gradient(from 270deg at 50% 120%, #FFA500 0deg 10deg, #ff6700 10deg 20deg);

Note : Firefox does not currently support repeating-conic-gradients 🙁

Setting Sun : Repeating Conic Gradient

background: conic-gradient(from 270deg at 50% 100%,#f3d8e6 0 36deg,#F8DCC4 0 72deg,#CAD9B9 0 108deg, #9FC0CC 0 144deg, #BEC5D9 0 180deg, #ffffff 0 100%); 

Polyfills for Firefox / IE 11



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